Our commitment for a green economy.


Lanificio Luigi Zanieri respects in all his production circle the environment and eco-quality standards.

For the most part of our production, we use recycled raw materials, for example also the 100% Cashmere products in collection are produced from recycled raw materials.

In this case we utilize the under products from the yarn production, textile production waste from the yardage productions etc. All those materials are selected and treated for the carded yarn production. This special production cycle exists only in Prato, and only here due to the fact of a complete infrastructure we obtain high quality fabrics from recycled wool, reducing in the same moment the impact of pollution.

Since May 2018, our spinning mill is certified GRS (Global Recycled Standard)

Another important aspect is the production of green energy through our fotovoltaic plants of 90Kw, which is used afterwards for the production in our mill.

We are involved with a society for the cleaning of the industrial waters; the water used during production is cleaned following the strict water regulations and returned into the water circulation after the purification process has been completed.

For a long time, we have carefully recycled our waste, that is environment-friendly disposed by rehabilitation teams.

Our mill respect the ethic principles and we all work in clean and luminous areas with commitment, knowledge and cooperation between all departments.